Varia História (Jun 2011)
República, democracia e federalismo Brasil, 1870-1891 Republic, democracy and federalism Brazil: 1870-1891
A transformação dos radicais liberais em republicanos, ocorrida a partir do Manifesto Republicano de 1870, provocou um retrocesso conservador e suspendeu o programa de reformas sociais e políticas, proposto pelos radicais durante a década de 1860. Esse artigo tenta explicar essa mudança examinando a formação do campo conceitual republicano entre 1870 e a promulgação da Constituição de 1891.The transformation of Liberal Radicals into Republicans at the time of the publication of Republican Manifest in 1870 meant a conservative turn and halted the program of social and political reforms proposed by the Radicals during the 1860's.This article tries to explain the change analysing the formation of the Republican conceptual field between 1870 and the promulgation of the Constitution of 1891.