Cogent Social Sciences (Dec 2023)
The dynamics of mobile phone usage among small-scale oil palm processors: Evidence from the Eastern Region, Ghana
This paper presents a very interesting issue on the question of ICT integration in Ghana’s small-scale agro-processing industry. Its point of departure is that the mobile phone, as an ICT tool, can be positioned to facilitate information sharing, especially in the activities of small-scale processors. The theoretical underpinning for the study was informed by the conceptual framework explaining motivational factors for use of technology. The study therefore sought to document the dynamics of small-scale oil palm processors’ use of the mobile phone in terms of the motivation for its use, value placed on the tool, and how demographic characteristics have influenced its use. It was derived from responses to structured questionnaires administered on 120 small-scale oil palm processors selected from nine communities in the Kwaebibirem Municipality of the Eastern Region, Ghana, using Yamane’s sample size determination approach. Data collected were analysed through descriptive and inferential statistics using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software Version 21.0. The study showed a high rate of mobile phone usage among the small-scale oil palm processors with 81.7% of the respondents indicating that the tool had facilitated their access to information. All the variables, except marital status, were statistically significant at 5% level of significance, with gender, age and education showing positive effect on the use of mobile phones. The major constraint identified by the processors was the lack of access to mobile telecommunication services (89%). The arguments of this paper are that creating an enabling environment holds the key to effective integration of digital technologies in extension information delivery. This will modernise the agricultural extension activities directed at small-scale oil palm processors to make them more efficient.