Tobacco Use Insights (May 2022)

The Longitudinal Impact of Arrest, Criminal Conviction, and Incarceration on Smoking Classes

  • Connie Hassett-Walker

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15


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Background Previous research identifies three to six smoking classes over the life course. This study expands on earlier work about the impact of getting arrested in early adulthood on individuals’ smoking classes, by including additional, more serious measures of justice system involvement (JSI), specifically criminal conviction and incarceration. Family processes were examined as secondary outcomes. Method Data from seventeen waves (1997-2015) of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth were analyzed via group-based trajectory modeling (GBTM), multinomial logistic regression, and latent transition analyses (LTA). Smoking behavior through age 36 is examined. Marital status, parenthood, juvenile smoking, juvenile arrest, and prior crime victimization experiences were also included in the models. Results Seven smoking classes were revealed: two low- or non-smoking classes; two decreasing classes; and three “problem” smoking (e.g., increasing, or chronic) classes. All JSI types increased the likelihood of being in a smoking class rather than a non-smoking class. Arrest and conviction had larger odds ratios than the most severe form of JSI—incarceration—with respect to respondents’ likelihood of being in an increasing or chronic smoking class. Juvenile smoking was the most robust predictor of smoking in adulthood. Conclusion Involvement with the justice system in all forms remains a negative health factor that increases smoking. While not typically a goal of criminal justice officials, attention should be paid to this unintended consequence of involvement with the justice system—increased smoking—given smoking’s connection to serious illnesses such as cancer. As juvenile smoking is a strong risk factor for adult smoking, smoking prevention and cessation programs should start with youth; and be part of the offerings to individuals ensnared in the justice system at all levels.