LingVaria (Mar 2015)

Archaizmy leksykalne w gwarach góralskich (na przykładzie wybranego słownictwa rodzinnego)

  • Agnieszka Gotówka

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 19


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Lexical archaisms in the dialects of Polish highlanders (using the example of selected native vocabulary) The material for our analysis of archaisms came from peripheral dialects of Polish highlanders. These dialects are some of the varieties of Polish which have been quite well preserved. The term ‘highlanders’ dialect’ is understood broadly, to be any dialect of Polish highlanders from Podhale, Spiš, Orava, the Ƶywiec area, and Cieszyn Silesia. The lexical individuality of these regions is a result of different historical and geographical factors. My reasearch focused on vocabulary related to family, and in particular to the ways of referring to important figures in familial relations. Highlanders’ families did and still do traditionally hierarchize the roles of family members with regard to their age and position. The discussed lexemes have been long archived in literary Polish; they are now entirely passive in their primary meanings, but they continue to thrive in dialects.
