Scientific Dental Journal (Jan 2022)

Cheek plumper: An instant, noninvasive face-lifting prosthesis—A case report

  • Vidyalakshmi Chandrasekar,
  • Ahila Singaravel Chidembaranathan,
  • Balasubramanium Muthukumar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 3
pp. 152 – 155


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Background: Restoring lost form and function in edentulous patients is a challenge when the edentulous state has remained in a long term. Most patients with chronic edentulism suffer from a range of problems, such as reduction in facial height, cheek muscle wastage, and tongue spreading. These problems lead to an esthetic imbalance in the facial appearance. Many patients remain unsatisfied after fitting complete dentures, as these do not resolve the issue of sunken cheek appearance. Case Report: A 70-year-old male patient presented with the chief complaint of missing dentition. He also complained of the sunken cheeks. After restoration with conventional dentures, the patient still complained of sunken cheeks. This complaint was addressed by fabricating cheek plumper, and the cheek plumper was attached with the buccal flange of the maxillary denture utilizing intraoral neodymium magnets. Conclusion: Treating cases of the complete edentulism requires not only denture but also restoring the facial esthetic appearance by addressing muscle wastage. Cheek plumper is a simple, yet effective way to restore the facial contour.
