Plant Protection Science (Dec 2002)
Reaction of pea selections to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. pisi (races 1, 2, 5, 6) and Fusarium solani
Forma specialis (f.sp.) pisi of Fusarium oxysporum infestates pea but on other crop does not cause. Physiological races of this fungus (races 1, 2, 3 and 6) are tested on differentiation selections of pea. In the mixture with Fusarium solani there was better differentiated the reaction of single races. Own method is based on the artificial infection of the pea with the mixture of conidia and mycelial fragments of the race of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. pisi and Fusarium solani. The roots of germinating pea are partially shortened on the top and poured with the suspension of fungi. After the germinating the infected pea is placed into Perlit (the substance for the cultivation). The pea was watered after that. During 3 years of our work we tested namely many new selections from the breeding station in Lužany. It seems that some of them should be used for new selection of realy resistant varieties. In the year 1999 there were new selection relatively resistant: 595/32, 682/37, 238/847, in the year 2000 no resistant selections were gained and in the year 2001 there were like resistant evaluated these selections: 633/1409 and 1456/1919.