Atmosphere (May 2021)

Electric Field Multifractal Features in the High-Latitude Ionosphere: CSES-01 Observations

  • Giuseppe Consolini,
  • Virgilio Quattrociocchi,
  • Giulia D’Angelo,
  • Tommaso Alberti,
  • Mirko Piersanti,
  • Maria Federica Marcucci,
  • Paola De Michelis

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 5
p. 646


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In the polar ionosphere, the electric field is characterized by broadband and power law spectral densities at small/short spatio-temporal scales, which support a possible turbulent nature of the electric field fluctuations. Here, we investigate the multifractal character of the full three-dimensional electric field in the polar ionosphere as recorded on board the first Chinese Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES-01). The results of our analysis prove a clear different degree of multifractality of the electric field fluctuations approaching either the polar cap trailing edge or the auroral region. The observed differences in the multifractal character are interpreted in terms of the different natures of the particle precipitation in the polar cap and in the auroral region. A possible link between the multifractal nature of electric field fluctuations, parallel to the geomagnetic field, and filamentation of field aligned currents (FACs) is established.
