Chrétiens et Sociétés (Jan 2017)
« Ein Ereignis von Weltrang ». Anträge und Debatten zur Lutherdekade und dem Reformationsjubiläum 2017 im deutschen Bundestag 2008 bis 2011
In preparing the fifth centenary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017, the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) closely cooperated with the Federal Government along with the governments of states with sites where Luther had lived and the magistrates of several cities with close ties to Luther's legacy (like Augsburg and Worms). Between 2008 and 2011 the upcoming event was discussed in plenary sessions of the German Parliament (Bundestag) as well as in several committees of the Federal Government (Bundestagsausschüsse).My article analyses the various arguments why, according to members of the Bundestag, the fifth centenary was such an important event that the festivities should be supported by federal funds.Luther's 95 theses had initiated a new epoch of world history, some argued. The modern world owed to Luther the freedom of conscience, and, as a consequence, democratic forms of government. For some members of parliament, 2017 was a unique opportunity to strengthen tourism in the states in which Luther had lived. In most speeches, national pride was obvious: Luther as one the Germans who had made a unique contribution to world history.Critical arguments were offered only by some speakers of the Left (Linke) and the Greens (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen). They mentioned Luther's antisemitism, and Luther's authoritarianism, without, however, opposing the whole project that is arguing that no federal funds should be given for this event.In the last part of my article I attempt to compare the arguments offered by the speakers of the German Parliament with the insights of critical historical research. I came to the conclusion that those who wrote the speeches for the Bundestagsabgeordnete, as well as the Abgeordnete themselves, knew very little of the results of historical scholarship. As a result, their view of Luther and the Protestant Reformation was quite traditional.