Acta Medica Alanya (Aug 2019)
Dramatical Recovery of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome After Surgery: Case Report
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) is a complex of clinical symptoms characterized by the compression of vascular and neurogenic structures which are localized within the thoracic outlet region. There is no gold standard diagnostic criterion for TOS and the anamnesis and physical examination are important tools for the diagnosis. Supportive and differential examinations are often electromyography (EMG), direct cervical radiography, and neck MRI. Priority in treatment is conservative treatment consisting of medical treatment and physical therapy. Last surgical option is the surgical treatment consisting of the resection of the first costa and cervical costa, and the incision of the scalenus anterior and scalenus medius muscles. It has been reported that TOS resulting from the compression of vascular structures, improved in a very short period of time after surgery, while in TOS resulting from the compression of neurogenic structures the improvement occurs between 6 months and 1 year on average. We performed 1st costa resection on a TOS case with the compression of neurogenic structures . Contrary to the literature, complaints of our case disappeared completely within 1 week. One month after the operation, EMG findings returned to normal.