Jornal Vascular Brasileiro (Jun 2008)

Estudo comparativo da evolução e sobrevida de pacientes com claudicação intermitente, com ou sem limitação para exercícios, acompanhados em ambulatório específico Comparative study of evolution and survival of patients with intermittent claudication, with or without limitation for exercises, followed in a specific outpatient setting

  • Ricardo de Alvarenga Yoshida,
  • Caroline Kazue Matida,
  • Marcone Lima Sobreira,
  • Mariângela Gianini,
  • Regina Moura,
  • Hamilton Almeida Rollo,
  • Winston Bonetti Yoshida,
  • Francisco Humberto de Abreu Maffei

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 2
pp. 112 – 122


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CONTEXTO: Os fatores de risco para doença aterosclerótica, que influenciam na evolução natural dessa doença, estão bem estabelecidos, assim como o benefício do programa de exercícios para pacientes claudicantes. Entretanto, faltam informações sobre a relação entres limitações clínicas e fatores de risco, com desempenho do programa de caminhadas e suas implicações na evolução e mortalidade destes pacientes. OBJETIVO: Comparar, ao longo do tempo, a distância de claudicação e sobrevida de pacientes claudicantes em ambulatório específico, com ou sem limitação para exercícios. MÉTODOS: Foi feito um estudo tipo coorte retrospectivo de 185 pacientes e 469 retornos correspondentes, no período de 1999 a 2005, avaliando-se dados demográficos, distância média de claudicação (CI) e óbito. Os dados foram analisados nos programas Epi Info, versão 3.2, e SAS, versão 8.2. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 60,9±11,1 anos, sendo 61,1% do sexo masculino e 38,9% do sexo feminino. Oitenta e sete por cento eram brancos, e 13%, não-brancos. Os fatores de risco associados foram: hipertensão (69,7%), tabagismo (44,3%), dislipidemia (32,4%) e diabetes (28,6%). Nos claudicantes para menos de 500 m, a CI inicial em esteira foi de 154,0±107,6 m, e a CI final, de 199,8±120,5 m. Cerca de 45% dos pacientes tinham alguma limitação clínica para realizar o programa de exercícios preconizado, como: angina (26,0%), acidente vascular cerebral (4,3%), artropatia (3,8%), amputação menor ou maior com prótese (2,1%) ou doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (1,6%). Cerca de 11,4% dos pacientes tinham infarto do miocárdio prévio, e 5,4% deles usavam cardiotônico. O tempo de seguimento médio foi de 16,0±14,4 meses. A distância média de CI referida pelos pacientes aumentou 100% (de 418,47 m para 817,74 m) ao longo de 2 anos, nos grupos não-limitante (p BACKGROUND: Risk factors for atherosclerotic disease acting on natural history are well established, as well as the benefits of physical training in the treatment of intermittent claudication (IC). However, current data do not provide enough information about the relationship between clinical limitations and risk factors and the performance of physical training and its implications on the evolution and mortality of these patients. OBJECTIVE: To compare the claudication distance and survival of patients with IC throughout time in a specific outpatient setting, with or without limitation for exercises. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was performed to review the protocols of 185 patients and 469 returns, from 1999 to 2005, evaluating demographic data, average claudication distance and death. The data were analyzed using the software Epi-Info, version 3.2, and SAS, version 8.2. RESULTS: Mean age was 60.9±11.1 years; 61.1% were males and 38.9% were females; 87% were Caucasians and 13% were non-Caucasians. Associated risk factors were hypertension (69.7%), smoking (44.3%), dyslipidemia (32.4%), and diabetes (28.6%). For the patients with claudicating distance lower than 500 m, mean initial distance was 154.0±107.6 m and final distance was 199.8±120.5 m. About 45% of the patients had some clinical limitation to perform the prescribed exercise program, such as angina (26.0%), stroke (4.3%), osteoarthrosis (3.8%), previous minor or major amputation (2.1%), or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (1.6%). About 11.4% of the patients had previous myocardial infarction, and 5.4% of them were using cardiotonic drugs. Mean follow-up time was 16.0±14.4 months. Mean claudication distance increased 100% (418.47 to 817.74 m) throughout 2 years in the group without limitation (p < 0.001) and in nonsmokers (p < 0.001). Survival rate of patients with IC was significantly reduced in the group with limitation for exercises. Logistic regression analysis showed that limitation to exercises was the single factor significantly influencing mortality (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Proper and regular exercises and quitting smoking improve claudication distance and reduce mortality rates of these patients, whether by the positive effects of exercises or by controlling risk factors and their adverse effects.
