Politeja (Apr 2014)

Wolność według Lorda Actona i Józefa Tischnera. Analiza porównawcza myśli dwóch katolickich liberałów

  • Sławomir Przybyło

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Vol. 11, no. 2(28)


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Freedom according to Lord Acton and Józef Tischner. The comparison of notions by two Catholic liberals The aim of this article is to provide a comparison between Lord Acton’s and Józef Tischner’s notions of freedom and liberalism. According to these authors, liberalism and Catholicism are not incompatible. Liberty, according to both Acton and Tischner, is inseparably related to Conscience, Responsibility and Good. Despite the differences between them, in particular the reflection on equality, both authors agreed that freedom of religion, private property or civil rights are the values that must be defended. Furthermore, they both were convinced of the huge role of Christianity in the history of freedom. Unlike classical liberals, in their opinion positive liberty is more important than negative liberty.
