Pizhūhish/hā-yi rahbarī va mudīriyyat-i āmūzishī (Jun 2022)

Mediating Role of Organizational Structure in the Relationship between Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Creativity

  • mahdi amiri,
  • mohammad ali Ghalandari

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 22
pp. 101 – 123


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership style and organizational creativity with the mediating role of organizational structure. The present research was based on the purpose of the applied type and in terms of quantitative method is of the descriptive-correlation type, which has been studied in a survey using standard tools in the field of research variables using the structural equation model. The study population included all primary school teachers in District 1 of Shiraz. Using Morgan table and regular random sampling method, 134 people were selected as the sample. The research tool consisted of three standardized questionnaires; ‏ Transformational leadership style, which includes four dimensions of mental motivation, ideal influence, inspirational motivation and personal consideration and the reliability of this tool with Cronbach's alpha method, is equal to 0. 95 and its face and content validity has been confirmed by experts; Organizational structure questionnaire which includes two dimensions of complexity and formality and the reliability of this method by Cronbach's alpha is equal to 0. 92 and its face and content validity has been confirmed by experts and the organizational creativity questionnaire includes two dimensions of sensitivity and self-confidence and the reliability of this test by Cronbach's alpha method is equal to 0. 88 and its face and content validity has been confirmed by experts. These tools were distributed among the sample of teachers and principals and finally 134 questionnaires were collected. The results showed that: There is a significant relationship between transformational leadership style, organizational structure and organizational creativity of teachers. Path analysis to determine the mediating role of organizational structure showed that organizational structure plays a negative mediating role for transformational leadership style in the sense that organizational structure is a competing mediating role between transformational leadership style and organizational creativity of employees. The general fit indices also showed the fit of the implemented model. In general, it can be said that the transformational leadership style of managers is a positive and meaningful predictor of the organizational structure of teachers' work environment and the transformational leadership style is a direct predictor of positive and indirectly mediated by the organizational structure.
