CLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education (Jan 2021)

My favorite subject is lengua because the teacher es un crack: translanguaging in CLIL student writing

  • Pat Moore,
  • Sara López Stoelting

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 1


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We interpret CLIL as bilingual education inasmuch as it is can help create bilinguals; and we are interested in the behaviour of emergent bilinguals. We also subscribe to the idea of holistic linguistic repertoires instead of separable languages. In this research we partially replicate research conducted by Celaya (2008) and Agustín-Llach (2009) in order to explore instances of translanguaging in CLIL writing. We focus on three categories of L1-infused language: borrowing, translating and foreignizing. Although they have previously been treated as errors, we suggest teachers could more usefully consider them as naturally occurring communicative strategies: snapshots of emergent bilingualism in their students. We compare two datasets of student writing gathered at a 3.5-year interval and discuss the evolution of their competence as evidenced in the texts they produce.
