Development of tourist cluster of Zaporizhzhya region
The relevance of the article is that in the modern economy, the tourism industry is of strategic importance for the development of the region's economy. To increase competitiveness in the markets, the economy of the Zaporozhye region needs the development of components of the tourism cluster. This development can help to quickly adapt to changes in the external environment and compensate for the lack of jobs in other sectors of the economy. Zaporizhzhya region is an attractive investment area with a developed industrial complex and infrastructure. In accordance with the Regional development strategy of the Zaporizhzhya region for the period until 2020, the main strategic goals are to stimulate investment attraction, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the development of domestic tourism. The purpose of the research is to clarify the essence of the category “tourist cluster”, determine the characteristics of the tourist potential of the Zaporizhzhya region, form a SWOT-analysis of the tourist cluster of the Zaporizhzhya region, develop new and improve the existing directions of tourist routes as part of the Zaporizhzhya region development Strategy for the period until 2020. The indicators of the tourist industry of the city of Zaporozhye are analyzed. Tourist routes for a duration of 2 days by thematic species are proposed. The article suggests directions for the further development of the tourism cluster of the Zaporizhzhya region. In particular, the travel product “Travel to Zaporizhzhya Region / “Welcome to Zaporizhzhia Land” with the corresponding routes. The following types of tourist routes are proposed: Cossack, industrial, cultural and educational, green, recreational religious and geological tourism.