Problemi Ekonomiki (Dec 2017)
Problems and Prospects of the Dialog Planning of the Reproductive Processes in the National Economy
Some aspects of the formation, development and current application of the technique of dialog planning in economic studies of the reproduction processes in the national economy are analyzed. The stages of the formation of dialog planning as decision-making in human machine systems in organizational systems of a hierarchical and non-hierarchical type are determined. Investigation of the reproduction processes of complex economic systems and the dialog planning of their development is expedient to implement in the framework of a simplified economic model of a closed / open economy, which simultaneously describes the state of the research object and the processes of its reproduction. The methodological and informational basis for analyzing the reproduction processes within this model is the system of national accounting. Multicriterion analysis of the reproduction processes in the national economy as a complex socio-economic system at the beginning of research should be replaced by analysis of GDP in the context of GDP production processes and distribution of GDP, which allows to identify the peculiar features of the economy, its advantages and disadvantages, problem aspects, etc. It is expedient to study the reproduction processes in the national economy with maximal simplification of the system of balance to carry out an objective analysis of reproductive processes and their effective impact on the dynamics of GDP. To do this, a simplified system of balance of a closed economy should be applied to studying an open economy, while writing off all the discrepancies as results of external relations. In the framework of the simplified economic model, a macroeconomic analysis of the proportion of the economic reproduction in Ukraine is conducted, and its influence on the GDP dynamics is investigated.