Promet (Zagreb) (Feb 2014)

Ship Lock Control System Optimization using GA, PSO and ABC: A Comparative Review

  • Željko Kanović,
  • Vladimir Bugarski,
  • Todor Bačkalić

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 26, no. 1
pp. 23 – 31


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This paper presents the comparison of some well-known global optimization techniques in optimization of an expert system controlling a ship locking process. The purpose of the comparison is to find the best algorithm for optimization of membership function parameters of fuzzy expert system for the ship lock control. Optimization was conducted in order to achieve better results in local distribution of ship arrivals, i.e. shorter waiting times for ships and less empty lockages. Particle swarm optimization, artificial bee colony optimization and genetic algorithm were compared. The results shown in this paper confirmed that all these procedures show similar results and provide overall improvement of ship lock operation performance, which speaks in favour of their application in similar transportation problem optimization.
