Nukleonika (Dec 2015)
Development of the Chalmers Grouped Actinide Extraction Process
Several solvents for Grouped ActiNide EXtraction (GANEX) processes have been investigated at Chalmers University of Technology in recent years. Four different GANEX solvents; cyclo-GANEX (CyMe4- -BTBP, 30 vol.% tri-butyl phosphate (TBP) and cyclohexanone), DEHBA-GANEX (CyMe4-BTBP, 20 vol.% N,N-di-2(ethylhexyl) butyramide (DEHBA) and cyclohexanone), hexanol-GANEX (CyMe4-BTBP, 30 vol.% TBP and hexanol) and FS-13-GANEX (CyMe4-BTBP, 30 vol.% TBP and phenyl trifluoromethyl sulfone (FS-13)) have been studied and the results are discussed and compared in this work. The cyclohexanone based solvents show fast and high extraction of the actinides but a somewhat poor diluent stability in contact with the acidic aqueous phase. FS-13-GANEX display high separation factors between the actinides and lanthanides and a good radiolytic and hydrolytic stability. However, the distribution ratios of the actinides are lower, compared to the cyclohexanone based solvents. The hexanol-GANEX is a cheap solvent system using a rather stable diluent but the actinide extraction is, however, comparatively low.