Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil (Apr 2002)
Níveis de ferro, cobre e zinco em colostro de puérperas adultas de recém-nascidos a termo e pré-termo, segundo variáveis maternas e socioeconômicas Levels of iron, copper and zinc in the colostrum of adult puerpera of term and pre-term infants, as a function of maternal and socioeconomic variables
OBJETIVOS: descrever os níveis de Fe, Cu e Zn em amostras de colostro de puérperas adultas brasileiras de recém-nascidos a termo (RNAT) e pré-termo (RNPT) e avaliar a influência das variáveis maternas (idade materna, estado nutricional pré-gestacional, paridade, intercorrências gestacionais, renda familiar per capita e condições de saneamento) sobre os níveis desses oligoelementos, visando apontar as mulheres em risco de produzirem colostro com menores níveis destes minerais. MÉTODOS: coletaram-se 50 amostras de colostro de puérperas de RNAT e 38 de puérperas de RNPT, do Instituto Fernandes Figueira, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Os oligoelementos foram analisados através da técnica de Fluorescência de Raios X por Reflexão Total com radiação Síncrotron. RESULTADOS: os níveis de Fe nos grupos RNPT e RNAT foram semelhantes (p > 0,05). As concentrações de Cu foram maiores no colostro de RNPT (p OBJECTIVES: to investigate the concentrations of Fe, Cu and Zn in samples of colostrum from Brazilian adult women puerpera of term infants (TI) and pre-term infants (PTI) and to evaluate the influence of some maternal variables (age, pre-pregnancy nutritional status, parity, maternal health alterations during the gestational period, per capita familiar income and living conditions) on the concentration of those elements, aiming to identify the women who were prone to produce colostrum with low levels of oligoelements. METHODS: 50 samples of colostrum from puerpera of TI and 38 from puerpera of PTI were collected from women interned at Instituto Fernandes Figueira, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. The levels of trace elements were determined by Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Analysis (TXRF) with Synchrotron Radiation. RESULTS: no differences were observed in the Fe levels between PTI and TI groups (p > 0,05). The Cu concentrations were higher in the PTI colostrum (p < 0,05) and those of Zn were higher in the TI colostrum (p < 0,05). We observed lower levels of Cu in the colostrum of puerpera of TI and lower per capita familiar income (p < 0,05) and lower levels of Zn in the colostrum of puerpera of PTI with pre-gestational ponderal deviation (p = 0,05) and age above or equal to 35 years (p < 0,05). CONCLUSIONS: the results suggest that puerpera of PTI with higher body mass and age present lower levels of Zn in the milk, posing a risk factor to the suckling in fast development phase.