DiSlaw (May 2024)
Teaching Foreign Languages 4.0: Digitalisierungsbezogene Kompetenzen für (angehende) Russischlehrkräfte
This article presents the Moodle course "Teaching Foreign Languages 4.0: Promoting Digital Literacy Among Trainee Teachers". Comprising almost 30 learning units, the course is designed to help (prospective) Russian teachers acquire theoretical knowledge regarding the latest findings in Computer and Media Assisted Language Learning and practice-oriented media skills. In doing so, they will learn how to use different digital tools and applications by working with them in practical and meaningful contexts. The main focus is to try out various digital resources for teaching purposes and evaluate their didactic potential and constraints with regard to different aspects of foreign language teaching. The units of the Moodle course address the demands of distance teaching and equip (prospective) teachers with important skills they will need for distance education settings. The resource can be used in self-study as well as in a blended learning format by students and (pre-service) teachers.