Complete genome sequence data of two Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Gallinarum: A 9R vaccine strain and a virulent Brazilian field strain
Ruy D. Chacón,
Jorge L. Chacón,
Manuel Ramírez,
Carmen L. Rodríguez Cueva,
Wilma Ursula Quispe-Rojas,
César Bryan Reyes-Moreno,
Claudete S. Astolfi-Ferreira,
Antonio J. Piantino Ferreira
Ruy D. Chacón
Department of Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of São Paulo, Av. Prof. Orlando M. Paiva, 87, São Paulo 05508-270, Brazil; Inter-Units Program in Biotechnology, University of São Paulo, Avenida Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2415, São Paulo 05508-900, Brazil
Jorge L. Chacón
Ceva Animal Health, R. Manoel Joaquim Filho, 303, São Paulo 13148-115, Brazil
Manuel Ramírez
Área de Análisis Bioinformático, Centro de Investigaciones Tecnológicas, Biomédicas y Medioambientales, Jirón José Santos Chocano, 199, Bellavista 07006, Perú
Carmen L. Rodríguez Cueva
Laboratory of Biology and Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima 15021, Peru
Wilma Ursula Quispe-Rojas
Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima 15081, Peru
César Bryan Reyes-Moreno
Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima 15081, Peru
Claudete S. Astolfi-Ferreira
Department of Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of São Paulo, Av. Prof. Orlando M. Paiva, 87, São Paulo 05508-270, Brazil
Antonio J. Piantino Ferreira
Department of Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of São Paulo, Av. Prof. Orlando M. Paiva, 87, São Paulo 05508-270, Brazil; Corresponding author.
Salmonella Gallinarum (SG) is a host-restricted enterobacteria and the causative agent of fowl typhoid in poultry. Here, we report the complete genomes of two strains belonging to this serotype. SA68 is a field strain isolated from the livers of dead hen carcasses of a commercial layer farm presenting high mortality located in São Paulo city, Brazil, in 1990. Strain 9R corresponds to a live attenuated SG commercial vaccine. DNA was extracted from pure cultures and subjected to whole genome sequencing (WGS) using the Ion Torrent PGM System. The assemblies reached lengths of 4,657,435 (SA68) and 4,657,471 (9R) base pairs. Complete genomes were deposited in GenBank under the accession numbers CP110192 (SA68) and CP110508 (9R). Both genomes were analyzed and compared in terms of molecular typing, antibiotic resistance genes, virulence genes, Salmonella pathogenic islands (SPIs), insertion sequences and prophages. The data obtained show many similarities in the genetic content, with the exception of the SPI-12 and CS54 pathogenic islands, which are exclusive to the field strain. The information generated will help to understand the virulence differences of field and vaccinal SG strains and can be used to perform evolutionary and epidemiologic studies.