Oftalʹmologiâ (Nov 2020)
Fungal Endophthalmitis. Literature Review
Fungal endophthalmitis is an extremely “severe” pathology that can lead not only to the loss of the eye as an organ, but in some cases, the death of the patient. This disease can be attributed to a disease that has a “mask” in some of its manifestations, since it can often mimic bacterial inflammation or an atypical reaction of the vascular membrane after surgery. Questions of diagnostics, and especially differential diagnostics, often cause difficulties for practitioners, while the situation is burdened by rather poorly developed methods of routine bacteriological research, and even more so by highly specific methods, such as enzyme immunoassay or polymerase chain reaction. At the same time, in most medical institutions, even in big cities, due to the rarity of pathology, the mechanisms of interaction between services (for example, sending material) are not worked out properly. For a practicing surgeon who is not engaged in eye infectious diseases, and especially inflammatory retinology, it is extremely difficult to make a correct diagnosis, which, unfortunately, very often directs the doctor on the wrong path of diagnosis and treatment. In addition, some modern fungicides, unfortunately, do not have permits for their active study and use in ophthalmological practice. A number of these factors can significantly hinder scientific and clinical progress in the treatment of this terrible and often tragic disease. To highlight these issues, an overview of the current state of the problem of clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of fungal endophthalmitis, which is an extremely important medical, economic and social dilemma, is presented. The paper also covers the definition of endophthalmitis, classification, life cycle, factors of aggression and invasion of fungal microorganisms, the basics of pathological physiology of the spread of fungal infection.