Differential Game for an Infinite System of Two-Block Differential Equations
Gafurjan Ibragimov,
Sarvinoz Kuchkarova,
Risman Mat Hasim,
Bruno Antonio Pansera
Gafurjan Ibragimov
Department of Mathematics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43400, Malaysia
Sarvinoz Kuchkarova
National University of Uzbekistan, University Street, Almazar District, Tashkent 1000174, Uzbekistan
Risman Mat Hasim
Department of Mathematics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43400, Malaysia
Bruno Antonio Pansera
Department of Law and Economics and Human Sciences, University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria, Via dell’Universitá, 25, 89124 Reggio Calabria, Italy
We present a pursuit differential game for an infinite system of two-block differential equations in Hilbert space l2. The pursuer and evader control functions are subject to integral constraints. The differential game is said to be completed if the state of the system falls into the origin of l2 at some finite time. The purpose of the pursuer is to bring the state of the controlled system to the origin of the space l2, whereas the evader’s aim is to prevent this. For the optimal pursuit time, we obtain an equation and construct the optimal strategies for the players.