Open Education Studies (Nov 2023)

Teacher’s Constraints and Challenges in Implementing Student Attitude Assessment in Junior High School

  • Adawiah Rabiatul

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 1
pp. 67 – 75


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This study aims to determine the implementation and constraints of teachers in assessing students’ attitudes at school. This study adopted a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. This research involved 29 informants, consisting of 23 teachers, three school principals, and three supervisors in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Data were obtained by using interviews, observation, and documentation. The indicators in this study include the implementation of attitude assessment, the instruments used in assessing attitudes, teacher constraints in assessing attitudes, and follow-up attitude assessments. The supervision process by the school principal and school supervisor has been carried out routinely and continuously. However, the teacher was left to make a sober assessment. The assessment is still being carried out to the extent of filling out the report. This result demonstrated several weaknesses in the quality assurance system for assessing student attitudes.
