Sālmand (Oct 2008)
Barthel Index and Clinical Outcome in Elderly
Objectives: Among the elderly patients who are admitted in emergency departments, there is a sub-population of frail elderly who needs particular attention. The purpose of this study was to explore relationship between Barthel index and clinical outcome in elderly patients aged over 60 during a week follow up after initial admission. Methods & Materials: The method was a prospective cohort study. Fifty men and 56 women patients who were admitted in emergency department and met our inclusion criteria (age over 60 and having consent) were included in the study. All patients had been followed for 4 weeks after initial admission. Results: During the follow up period, 81.1% of total patients were discharged home, 8.5% were still hospitalized and 10.4% were died. The result showed that for every extra unit of total Barthel index, the chance of discharging home in comparison with death is increased by 20%. More over; for every one year patients aged more, total Barthel index is decreased by 23% of score unit. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that the elder patients with less Barthel index score are more likely to experience death and bad clinical outcome and need particular attention's.