Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem ()

Patient safety culture from the perspective of all the workers of a general hospital

  • Adriane Cristina Bernat Kolankiewicz,
  • Catiele Raquel Schmidt,
  • Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele Lima de Carvalho,
  • Jacinta Spies,
  • Sandra Dal Pai,
  • Elisiane Lorenzini



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ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the patient safety culture among the workers of a hospital institution in southern Brazil. Method: This is a cross-sectional study, which was performed with 630 hospital workers, at Santa Rosa, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, through the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire tool, in the month of April 2017. Results: We found positive scores in all the safety culture domains, except for the perceived stress domain. Conclusion: Job satisfaction and teamwork spirit showed better scores for nursing and health professionals, when compared to the support team. Schooling, gender, operation time and the choice of workplace positively influenced the safe atmosphere.
