Аграрная наука Евро-Северо-Востока (Dec 2024)

Adaptation of sterile wheat plants to soil under conditions of root treatment with exometabolites of basidiomycetes

  • O. N. Shupletsova,
  • Е. V. Tovstik,
  • D. V. Popyvanov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 25, no. 6
pp. 1028 – 1037


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In 2023-2024 the adaptation of wheat at the in vitro stage to ex vitro was studied after transfer to soil and root treatment (50 ml) with the сulture filtrate (CF) of xylotrophic basidiomycetes: Phellinus igniarius PI1, Ganoderma lucidum GL, Ganoderma applanatum GA, Fomes fomentarius FF2 and Lentinula edodes LE. Treatment with CF (without dilution, diluted 10 and 100 times) was carried out when planting the plants in the soil and on the 25th day of their growth. The adaptive capacity of sterile plants to soil was assessed by the survival rate, growth indicators and the content of polyphenols in plant tissue. G. lucidum CL, regardless of 10-and 100-fold dilution, reduced the survival (by 40–60 %) and subsequent growth of wheat (tillering by 1.4–1.6 times, stem biomass by 1.2–7.3 times аnd root growth by 1.8–3.5 times relative to the control without treatment with CF). Against the background of various concentrations of F. fomentarius and L. edodes CF, tillering increased by 1.3–2,0 times, the mass of the aboveground part by 1.3–1.5 times, and roots by 2–6 times. The content of polyphenols in plants depended on the fact of treatment with CF and the type of fungi: in the aboveground part it varied from 16.8 to 25.4 mg/g, in the roots from 19.0 to 29.1 mg/g. In the total structure of polyphenols, the proportion of free forms in the aboveground biomass was 23.7–43.1 % and in the roots – 5.1–9.2 %. An increase in the level of free polyphenols was noted in wheat roots upon application of CF of all tested fungi (except G. lucidum GL). A conclusion was made about the effect of CF on the efficiency of adaptation of sterile plants to soil during the transition period in vitro/ex vitro – positive for F. fomentarius FF2 and L. edodes LE, negative for G. lucidum GL, no significant effect for P. igniarius PI1 and G. applanatum GA.
