Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery (Feb 2022)
Use of bronchoscopic steam thermal ablation (BTVA) in a clinically compromised patient
Abstract Background Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction (BLVR) techniques improve lung function and increase exercise tolerance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and BLVR treatment is included in the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) treatment guidelines for these patients. BTVA (Intervapor Uptake Medical, Tustin, CA, USA) represents a recent therapy of this group that allows to treat sublobar areas and for this reason is used clinically compromised patients, like in this case report. Case presentation In this paper we describe a case report of an 85-year-old male with severe respiratory failure and a diagnosis of emphysema presented with dyspnea and clinical worsening, despite the best medical therapy practiced. For comorbidity and pathology’s features he was excluded from surgical treatment options, like lung volume reduction surgical (LVRS) and from positioning of endobronchial valves (EBV) for the presence of collateral ventilation and he was addressed to BTVA. The procedure was successful for this patient. Conclusions This case supports recent suggestions that BTVA can be a good alternative treatment for patients properly selected.