Meluzyna: dawna literatura i kultura (Jan 2017)

Cechy przekazu ustnego w czeskich i polskich średniowiecznych pieśniach hagiograficznych

  • Dorota Vincůrková

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6


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In the article, selected vernacular (Polish and Czech) mediaeval hagiographic songs (Legenda o svatém Prokopu, Legenda o svaté Kateřině, Legenda o svaté Dorotě, Pieśń-Legenda o świętej Katarzynie, Legenda o świętym Aleksym, Pieśń o świętej Dorocie, Pieśń o świętym Stanisławie, Pieśń o świętym Jopie) are analysed in the context of the elements used and characteristic of oral works. The study draws attention to fixed epithets, formulas and “oral themes” repeated in the texts. It is emphasised that the visible “compilatory feature” of the discussed texts does not prove their unoriginal nature but their functioning in the oral circulation of literature.
