Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures (Sep 2016)
Objectivation subjective de la subjectivité
The clarification interview is a device often used for training different professionals. It consists of encouraging subjects to verbalize the actions that they have realized in their profession. The discourse produced by the clarification interview is characterized by a double layer of subjectivity. There appears a subjectivity that objectifies the subjectivity, which produces actions while performing their duties. In verbal interaction with an expert, the subject relativizes the latter. In clarification interviews utilized for training teachers of French as a foreign language, beginner teachers express, while interacting with the interviewer, their view of what they did or thought in the classroom as well as what the learners said as reaction. Then a complex polyphony appears in the discourse of the clarification interview. A comparative observation with the verbalization of matured teacher makes it possible to conclude that teacher thinking develops through their acquisition of reflexivity in teacher thinking.