Historia. Instituciones. Documentos (Dec 2017)

La casa de Ron. Nobleza y malfechores en la tierra de Castropol y Grandas (ss. XV-XVI)

  • José Antonio Álvarez Castrillón

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 44
pp. 11 – 38


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The murder in 1564 of a priest by a nobleman in the village of Pesoz in Asturias, the origin of a legend still remembered, is an example of the frequency of violent conduct in the Ron family, one of the most powerful families in western Asturias. This type of conduct was common up to the early 16th century, when it began to wane. Intensive research has made it possible to reconstruct the family’s rise to power and their relationship with the Church, and serves to draw a picture of the lesser nobility who lived on the Asturian-Galician border in the Middle Ages.
