Espacio y Desarrollo (Feb 2004)
Cambios en la cultura política y su impacto en el aprendizaje para las transformaciones institucional y organizacional por medio del diseño de nuevos arreglos en el escenario de la globalización económica
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the changes in the political culture within the economic globalization arena which impact and promote institutional transformations. These changes affect the design of new institutional arrangements by the learning of new surrounding demands. Departing from the view that the theories of political culture change seek to explainthe institutional change, 1conclude that the institutional culturallearning is a rational solution to the difflculties in predicting the future effects of the institutional arrangements of the institutional reform. Therefore, the study of the culture change and the congruence with the institutional transformations suggests that the institutional culture can be created and transformed to adapt it to the new conditions of the economic globalization processes.