Acta Medica Leopoliensia (Dec 2016)
On unhealthy behavioral determinants as elements of healthy lifestyle among patients with acute myocardial infarction
Aim. Scientific foundation of the presence of harmful behavioral habits of patients with AMI concerning the possible event / development of this pathology among the population of Lviv region. Material and Methods. The study was performed on a selective statistical aggregate among respondents from the number of inpatients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (n=374, p140/90 mm Hg (80,5±0,5%); sedentary lifestyle (71,1±0,4%); presence of cholesterol in blood >5,5 mmol/L (65,8±0,4%); body mass index >25,0 kg/m2 (57,2±0,4%); disturbance of psycho-emotional balance (50,0±0,4%); excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages (47,6±0,4%); smoking tobacco (46,5±0,3%) and blood sugar >5,5 mmol/L (25,4±2,2%). It was proved that unhealthy behavioral habits dominated among women with AMI only in two positions (АP >140/90 mm Hg and disturbance of psycho-emotional balance), while among men the remaining eight habits prevailed; the age characteristics of these habits certified their division into two groups according to the fixed value М=10,0%: the most important (value >М=10,0%) in their possible impact on health, and significant in eventual connection (value <М=10,0%). Conclusion. There were determined 10 harmful behavioral habits in the cohort of patients with AMI (n=374, p<0,05) as elements of healthy lifestyle, which should be regarded as possible cause-effect relations in the event/development of given pathology and a basis for implementation of preventive technologies in the work of physicians of primary level of medical care regarding creation of a basis for healthy lifestyle and minimization of this pathology [І.21].