Infectio (Jun 2020)

Infarto esplénico asociado a infección por citomegalovirus, primer reporte de caso en Colombia

  • Santiago Sánchez-Pardo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 24, no. 4
pp. 262 – 265


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Introduction: Splenic infarction occurs when the splenic artery or any of its branches are occluded, either by distant emboli or by thrombosis in situ. Within the world literature, there are very few documented cases of splenic infarction associated with Cytomegalovirus infection, so this could be considered the first in Colombia. Case Presentation: This is a 53-year-old female patient who was treated at a third-level institution in the City of Bogotá, Colombia, for symptoms of abdominal pain, who underwent a contrasted abdominal tomography that she demonstrated in the spleen. a hypodense wedge lesion corresponding to splenic infarction, for which reason complementary studies were carried out, showing the positivity of IgM for Cytomegalovirus as the only positive data, ruling out events of hypercoagulability. Discussion: Splenic infarction is an infrequent condition that normally presents with variable and nonspecific symptoms. Among infectious diseases that correspond to approximately 30% of the diagnoses of splenic infarction, Cytomegalovirus infection has only been reported in very few cases. The case of a young woman with splenic infarction is presented as the final diagnosis of abdominal pain in whom causes of hypercoagulability were ruled out and acute infection by Cytomegalovirus was confirmed, which has been described very little in the literature and can be considered the first reported case In colombia.
