Sučasnì Informacìjnì Tehnologìï u Sferì Bezpeki ta Oboroni (Dec 2017)
The military-political events of recent years, the lack of conceptual views on land border arrangement after Ukraine's independence, the significant difference in the socioeconomic status of residents of the border area of Ukraine and adjacent countries has caused the emergence of new threats to the national security of the state in the border area at the land border, which makes it relevant realization in the means of monitoring of such characteristics as survivability, noise immunity, automatic functioning, sensitivity to moving objects in various grades environment. The need for the development of methods and models of monitoring of moving objects on the land border of Ukraine by technical means of protection is the essence of the present, which needs to overcome the revealed discrepancies between the progress of the development of fiber-optic means of protection and the lack of efficiency of models of detecting the influence of the offender on the fiber optic fiber, through its reflectometry , with the provision of increased noise immunity and vitality. The above requires the development of methods and models in the field of fiber optics as the theoretical basis for the justification of effective monitoring of moving objects on the land border, in the first place, the automatic detection and recognition of the offender, taking into account the threats to the border security, and is the basis for formulating the scientific research problem. The article deals with the study of the existing methodological apparatus for monitoring moving objects on the land border with the use of fiber-optic means of protection. The essential issue is to ensure the persistence of fiber-optic means of protection and continuity of monitoring. Determination of the location of fiber damage at the present stage of the development of fiber-optic reflection is carried out with sufficient accuracy - less than 1 meter and takes several tens of minutes. However, only damaged cables may be removed from the area and only qualified personnel can weld their wires, which may take up to several days. Ensure the operation of fiber optic devices with a damaged sensitive element is possible by combining two linear distributed sensitive elements, the transformation of the quasilinear portion of the optical fiber protective device into a quasi-linear with a ring-sensitive element. Consequently, the distribution of the topology of elements of fiber-optic means of protection requires attention to the impedance and survivability of the system, ensuring detection and determination of the direction of movement of moving objects, which is projected to be solved on the basis of fiber-optic reflection methods and requires, first of all, formalization of the monitoring process of mobile objects by optical-optical means of protection.