Zbornik Matice Srpske za Prirodne Nauke (Jan 2021)
Influence of urban heat island on Tilia tomentosa Moench. blooming
Temperature increase in urban areas due to a high share of paved and impermeable surfaces affects indigenous woody species by making changes in their biological processes. Field research includes monitoring the blooming period of 18 individuals of Tilia tomentosa Moench. in one vegetation season located in three different habitats (green strip, paved surface, and park). The beginnings of four blooming phenophases are monitored (beginning of blooming, beginning of full blooming, end of full blooming, and end of blooming), as well as the total duration of blooming. Analyzed individuals are located in the densely built-up part of Novi Sad in Serbia which is under the influence of the urban heat island effect. The results show that the blooming period of individuals located in the park lasted longer and occurred later. Between individuals from green strips and paved surfaces there are no significant differences in the blooming period and the occurring of phases, but in relation to park individuals, blooming duration is shorter and occurs earlier. Besides age and hereditary traits, air temperature as a part of the microclimate of analyzed habitats is a very important factor when analyzing the blooming phenophase. In that way, the change in blooming phenophases can be an indicator of the adaptability of indigenous species to the urban heat effect and climate change.