Jurnal Delima Harapan (Mar 2018)
Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Gizi Balita Dengan Pertumbuhan Berat Badan Balita Pada KMS di Posyandu Dusun Banggel Desa Jebeng Kecamatan Slahung Kabupaten Ponorogo.
The growth of toddlers can be known if each month weighed. Weighing results are recorded in KMS, and between the KMS weight point of last month's weighing results and the month's weighing results are attributed to a line. Based on the results of preliminary study on 7 mothers found out the results of two primary school graduates, 2 mothers of junior high school, and 3 mothers of high school graduates. Then the mother was asked about the nutrition of toddlers aged 1-5 years and 4 mothers know but do not understand the whole while 3 mothers do not know at all about nutrition balita1-5 years, from 7 mother toddler 3 balitanya experience weight gain while 4 balita weight drop . This study aims to determine the relationship of mother's knowledge about the nutrition of children under five with weight growth of children under five. The design of this research is analytical method with Cross Sectional approach. With the total population of 61 respondents, the sample of the research is 31 respondents using sampling technique that is accidental sampling. Data collection was obtained by questionnaire and view of KMS. Data were analyzed using spearman rank. The result of the research shows that from 31 respondents, most of BB did not increase with 19 respondents (61,3%) and almost half of them were less knowledge with 14 respondents (45,2%). Statistical test using spearman rankdidapatkan ρ = 0.000 with significance level ρ <0,05 then Ho is rejected which means there is relationship of mother knowledge about nutrition of balita with growth of BB and level of closeness strong relation. Based on the results of the study is expected health workers, especially midwives to improve the role and function of services for the community in providing health information, especially about the importance of weight growth in toddlers.