Fisioterapia em Movimento ()

Perception of the Family Health Program professionals about the need for insertion of physiotherapist in the team

  • Fátima Ferretti,
  • Lisiele Lima,
  • Aline Zuffo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 27, no. 3
pp. 337 – 347


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Introduction Although the physiotherapist is provided by the Nucleus of support to family health (NSFH), is not expected in the Family Health Strategy team and, to this inclusion occur exist the need to reformulate the process of education in this area. Objective To know the professionals' perception of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) about the need for insertion of the physiotherapist in the team. Materials and methods A qualitative study in which data collection was carried out with interviews and field diary with subsequent content analysis. Results and discussions The team affirms the need for insertion of the physiotherapist in the strategy, but their perception is that the therapist acts in the secondary and tertiary care. Final considerations Therefore, it emphasizes the need for restructuring of educational projects to generate new knowledge that will bring the teaching-service, prioritizing a model of care focused on integral health care of the individual and the community, improving the education of physiotherapists for UHS.
