Анналы клинической и экспериментальной неврологии (Feb 2017)
The structure of cerebrovascular diseases in an open population of Ulyanovsk
We conducted an epidemiological study of an open population(aged 4059 yrs) restricted to the two therapeutic clusters of aregional out-patient clinic, Ulyanovsk city. A total of 500 peoplewere examined, including 157 men and 343 women. The meanage was 51.16.8 yrs. Arterial hypertension was diagnosed in46.8% of the population. The prevalence of definite casesof cerebrovascular disease (CVD) was 25.4%, including:hypertensive cerebral crises (HCC) 3.6%, transient ischemicattacks 0.6%, stroke 3.6%, initial stages of cerebrovasculardisease (ISCVD) 7.0%, and chronic cerebrovascular disease(CCD) 10.6%. The prevalence of all types of CVD wassimilar among both sexes, with the exception of HCCoccurring much more frequently in women. Two types of CVDdominated in the structure of CVD, CCI and ISCVD (68.8%of all registered cases of CVD). A significant prevalence(52%) of initial-stage cases of CVD, ISCVD and CCI-stage I,underlines the need for active preventive measures of acuteand severe chronic forms of CVD.