Евразийская интеграция: экономика, право, политика (Jan 2024)
Financial Support for Information Protection Measures: Problems and Solutions
Aim . Coverage of the problem of ensuring economic security in conditions of insufficient financing of information protection measures both from the state, which establishes requirements for the protection of restricted access information of various types, ranging from state secrets to personal data of citizens, and from organizations that implement these requirements.Tasks. Formation of proposals to overcome difficulties in the implementation of financial measures to ensure the protection of information in organizations in order to implement measures to ensure economic security.Methods. In this paper, using the methods of factor, statistical and quantitative analysis, statistical information in the field of financing information protection measures is considered, the parameters of financing some measures are estimated based on open data presented in the Unified Information System in the field of procurement, as well as the provisions of legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of information security and public-private partnership and an attempt has been made to prove the existence of problems in the financing of information protection measures.Results . It is proved that ensuring the economic security of nuclear power plants (on the example of the Russian Federation) on the basis of financial support for information protection measures is one of the most pressing problems in the modern digital world. Every year, threats to the security of information systems are becoming more complex and sophisticated, requiring organizations and companies to make additional efforts and resources to effectively counter. Practical ways of solving the problem of financing information protection measures in order to ensure economic security are proposed, using both the possibility of expanding public-private partnership in this area and other measures that organizations can directly use.Conclusions . Despite the need to ensure economic security, many organizations face financial difficulties in implementing information security measures. Limited budget funds, improper allocation of resources, inefficient financing strategy, difficulties in finding and purchasing effective Russian software and technical means of information protection in the conditions of sanctions impact on the Russian Federation – all these are obstacles to the successful provision of economic security.