Applied Sciences (Nov 2020)
Block Data Record-Based Dynamic Encryption Key Generation Method for Security between Devices in Low Power Wireless Communication Environment of IoT
The Internet of Things uses low-power wireless communication for wireless connectivity and efficient energy. Low-power wireless communication is applied to IoT for wireless connection and efficient energy consumption in various areas such as wearable devices, smart homes, and power plants in order to send and receive data and control the environment. Security is becoming more important because the Internet of Things controls real physical systems. For the security of the Internet of Things, the encryption key is important to identify and authenticate devices that are trusted. The static encryption key method used for devices is likely to be calculated in reverse through the value of the key and is vulnerable to exploitation attacks. This requires the application of dynamic encryption keys that generate keys periodically. However, in the case of low-power wireless communication, the asynchronous communication method and the packet loss make it difficult to apply existing dynamic encryption key technologies. In this paper, we proposed dynamic encryption key method that applies the mechanism of the block chain to solve these problems. Based on the history of sensor data between devices, encryption keys are dynamically generated. The proposed method is to generate the same encryption key between devices with only one step of asynchronous communication considering packet loss. The proposed method is also validated in terms of availability and security in the Internet of Things low-power wireless communication.