Indian Spine Journal (Jan 2018)
Thoracolumbar trauma with delayed presentation
Thoracolumbar injuries presenting in a delayed manner are uncommon, and their etiologies are varied ranging from missed injuries, wrong initial management, and delayed presentation for treatment. While improvements in healthcare awareness and delivery systems worldwide have improved the acute management of spinal injuries, the diagnosis and management of delayed spinal injuries remains a challenge to the treating physician regarding intraoperative difficulties, perioperative complications, and subsequent rehabilitation. Sequel of delayed presentation such as neurological deficit, spinal deformity, capsular contractures, muscle wasting, pulmonary and urinary tract infections and pressure sores have a significant bearing on the outcomes of management of delayed spinal trauma. Indications for surgical management include axial pain, neurological deficit, and kyphotic deformity. Management options include anterior corpectomy and fusion, combined anterior posterior surgery, and an all-posterior spinal decompression and deformity correction.