Journal of Research Development in Nursing and Midwifery (Apr 2015)
Relationship between Anxiety Disorders and life Quality in Type Two Diabetic Patients
Background and Objective: Diabetes may lead to several chronic complications but less was studied about anxiety disorders. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the association between anxiety disorders and the quality of life (QOL) in diabetic type two (DMT2) patients. Material and Methods: This descriptive- analytic study was conducted on 330 DMT2 patients referring to panje Azar hospital in Gorgan, Iran. The Data was collected via systematic sampling in six months using demographic checklist, Beck Anxiety Inventory & WHO QOL-BREF questionnaire , and analyzed by Chi square test and Pearson correlation coefficient (P ≤0.05). Results: The participants were both males (35.45%) and females ( 64.54%) . The overall quality of life was reported unsatisfactory in 37.3%, satisfactory in 55.5% and highly favorable in 5.5 % of the participants. There was an inverse correlation between QOL and anxiety disorders (P ≤0.001), and the only variable having significant correlation with QOL was previous coexisting disorders (P≤0.005) . Conclusion: Anxiety disorders in DMT2 patients can have negative effect on quality of life. Hence, early diagnosis, treatment and prevention may result in improving quality of life.