Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering (Sep 2018)
Testing of dynamic wrist joint external fixator mobility and reaction moment
For the investigation of reaction moments of wrist joint with external fixator, a test device was developed that allows a well-defined investigation of the joint loads during hand flexion movements. The reaction moments are considered as a measure for the joint loads due to the constraint forces, which occur with differences of the rotation axis of the fixator device from the physiological rotation axis of the wrist joint. The developed test device allows a dynamic momentum load application into the wrist by a servohydraulic testing machine. This testing device converts the force to a moment by a constant lever arm and allows thereby the measurement of the reaction moments by the force load cell of the testing machine. Measurements on cadaveric wrist joints with external fixator can be thereby performed under reproducible conditions. The cadaveric wrist joints can be integrally casted into bone cement and thereby clamped to the testing device. Preliminary experiments with artificial bones showed that forces within the measuring range of the load cell of the testing machine can be measured. The design of the test device is presented. Hence, the requirements for measurements of the reaction moments with wrists with external fixator for distal radius fractures under dynamic loads are created.