Nursing of a patient with malignant peritoneal mesothelioma (1例恶性腹膜间皮瘤患者的护理体会)
WAN Zhengzheng (万铮铮),
JIA Xuefei (贾雪飞),
REM Jie (任洁)
WAN Zhengzheng (万铮铮)
Department of Healthcare, Beijing Hospital, National Center of Gerontology, Institute ofGeriatric Medicine Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, 100730 (北京医院 国家老年医学中心 中国医学科学院老年医学研究院 保健医疗部, 北京, 100730)
JIA Xuefei (贾雪飞)
Department of Healthcare, Beijing Hospital, National Center of Gerontology, Institute ofGeriatric Medicine Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, 100730 (北京医院 国家老年医学中心 中国医学科学院老年医学研究院 保健医疗部, 北京, 100730)
REM Jie (任洁)
Department of Healthcare, Beijing Hospital, National Center of Gerontology, Institute ofGeriatric Medicine Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, 100730 (北京医院 国家老年医学中心 中国医学科学院老年医学研究院 保健医疗部, 北京, 100730)
To summarize the nursing of a patient with malignant peritoneal mesothelioma. The key points of nursing include: pain control and nursing, nutrition risk screening and nutrition support, nursing and management of falls and insomnia, maintenance of infusion port, and psychological care. Targeted nursing interventions are effective to relive the pain and other symptoms and improve the patient adherence to the treatment (本文总结1例恶性腹膜间皮瘤患者的护理经验。护理要点包括: 疼痛的护理和处理, 营养风险筛查及营养支持, 跌倒、失眠的护理, 输液港的维护, 心理护理。通过开展针对性治疗和护理, 有助于缓解患者不适症状, 提高治疗依从性。)