Red U (Sep 2015)
College Students Today: A multilevel vision
A new student generation, denominated generation Y emerged as a consequence of structural changes in a higher education globalization context as well as the social and technologic development. Some of the generation Y characteristics are: digital natives, the most diverse generation, at once more connected and more isolated, facing the worst economy in recent memory, more immature and dependent, with a pragmatic vision of studies and with useful searching information skills.This paper focused a comprehensive and structural vision of generation Y college students. This vision, multidimensional and multilevel, has been constructed with two types of evidence: the first one it’s about some secondary evidence sources (research studies, institutional reports), with special focus on strong methodological issues; the second one is founded on primary evidence from a group of junior faculty of University of Barcelona. The multidimensional vision included such aspects as: social and academic background, transition to higher education, modes and types of studies, and learning styles. The multilevel analysis focuses on students of several countries (especial attention on European students), national Spanish students, and student from some specifics universities. A singular objective of this paper is to have the possibility of contrasting the similitude of the double vision generated from the two typologies of examined evidence