Дискурс (Jun 2016)
An analysis of the essence of the philosophical views of E. Mach who tried to resolve the crisis in physics with a new approach to the interpretation of the original concepts of classical physics. The article considers in detail aspects of machismo ambivalence as a cognitive relation of a man to the world, the relationship between physical and mental from the point of view of knowledge goals and interests of the subject, the theory of sensory data, the approach to determining the source of knowledge, role and experience of duality, the problem of reliability of knowledge, the problem of equality or inequality of the objective world to the world view and Outlook, classification of types of thinking. It is noted that E. Mach pays little attention to methodological issues believing that scientific knowledge can be extracted and without any method, highlighting only one method - change method, and two main methodological requirements of science Mach believes economy thinking and the ideal of a «purely descriptive» science. Special attention is paid to the epistemology of mental and physical cognition in the concept of E. Mach and their ratio.