Historia. Instituciones. Documentos (Dec 2008)
Los olleros de Sevilla contra los capellanes y conventos de Alcocer: un pleito del siglo XV
Towards the end of the 15th century, there was an important dispute between the potters from Triana and Tablada in Seville and the chaplains and convents of Alcocer in the Alcarria in Castile. The root of the problem dated back to 1377 when Enrique II established seven perpetual chaplaincies in the parish church and in the convents of the Poor Clares and the Franciscans in Alcocer. These convents received rents from the taxes paid by the potters of Seville to the Crown. In the 15th century, the potters filed a lawsuit to free themselves of these taxes. This paper studies this litigation, which was eventually won by the chaplains and convents.