Neutrosophic Sets and Systems (Nov 2020)
Introduction to NeutroHyperGroups
NeutroSophication and AntiSophication are processes through which NeutroAlgebraic and AntiAlgebraic structures can be generated from any classical structures. Given any classical structure with m operations (laws and axioms) where m ≥ 1 we can generate (2m − 1) NeutroStructures and (3m − 2m) AntiStructures. In this paper, we introduce for the first time the concept of NeutroHyperGroups. Specifically, we study a particular class of NeutroHy perGroups called [2, 3]− NeutroHyperGroups and present their basic properties and several examples. It is shown that the intersection of two [2, 3]− NeutroSubHyperGroups is not necessarily a [2, 3]−NeutroSubHypergroup but their union may produce a [2, 3]− NeutroSubhypergroup. Also, the quotient of a [2, 3]−NeutroHyperGroup factored by a [2, 3]− NeutroSubHyperGroup is shown to be a [2, 3]−NeutroHyperGroup. Examples are provided to show that in the neutro sophic environment, [2, 3]− NeutroHyperGroups are associated with dismutation reactions in some chemical reactions and biological processes.