CHIMIA (Oct 1999)

ESI/TOF-MS Detection for Microseparation Techniques

  • Ulrike Selditz,
  • Stefan Nilsson,
  • David Barnidge,
  • Karin E. Markides

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 53, no. 10


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The choice of electrospray ionisation/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ESI/TOF-MS) as mass analyser for combination with microseparation techniques, such as ?LC, CE and CEC, may be recommended due to the features that present-day TOF-MS instruments have to offer. Advanced digital electronics, which ensure a fast and accurate data handling over a more or less 'unlimited' mass range, make these mass spectrometers the instruments of choice to sensitively cope with low flow rates, high-speed analyses and often very narrow bandwidths without risking the loss of valuable information. Recent achievements in interfacing microseparation techniques to ESI/TOF-MS will be presented and discussed.