Sport Mont (Apr 2005)
In sports recreation (and physical education as a whole) it is interesting to get answers on a number of questions relating to family impacts to physical activities of a teenager and adult population. Particularly interesting is to find out how a family can influence on young people in order to persuade them to go in for sports and indirectly how a family and young people can influence on an elder population to occupy themselves with sports and recreation activities. So far, this issue has not been worked out in details in our professional literature. In recent years, however, some partial research has been done, but only to the extent to avail "entering" in to the problem and make initial steps to research projects on a long-year basis. The data on this research have been obtained from 11 to 13 year-old population of both sexes, i.e. pupils attending class 5 and class 6 at six elementary schools in the town of Nikšić. The samples selected in this way certainly represent a real basis to confirm the obtained data correct and true. According to this children's sampling, the parents' regular weekly sports-recreation activity is not fully satisfactory, because in 31% of cases, fathers are preoccupied (although occasionally) with some sports-recreation activity, while mothers' share is only 11,36%. According to this sampling results, parents' seasonal (summer/winter) sportsrecreation activity is much more encouraging. In fact, while on holiday with their families, 86,82% of fathers go in for swimming and are also occupied with other water, or coast sports and recreation. Mothers' share is 78,63%. In winter conditions, the situation is a bit discouraging where 34,54% of fathers and 10,45% of mothers are equipped with skiing facilities but they occupy themselves with recreation skiing 8 to 10 days maximum in a season. The above mentioned data and the data taken out from the results of the research can be useful for creating more realistic social policy within organizations of sports recreation and also for indirect provision of prerequisites for more efficient family influence on regular sports and sports - recreation engagement of children and their parents (separately and unified). For a permanent and right involvement of children to sports and sports-recreation, it is very important that at least one parent was a sportsman or, even better, that he or she is still regularly preoccupied with sports recreation. Furthermore, regular sports recreation activities of elder population provide various positive effect to their health and their overall capabilities